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    Re: Neil deGrasse Tyson, nautical heretic?
    From: R William McAllister
    Date: 2024 Dec 15, 04:37 -0800

    In a comment on his talk I challenged Neil to explain why he and folks of his ilk continue to use the light year as a measure of astronomical distance. 

    Offering that the "light 2Pi radians about the central fusion ball" is a more precise way of stating such a measure.

    Given their system is still rooted in the common  imperial measure of time as given by years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, I shall give no ground to our metric friends.

    What is most ironic of all is that apparently just as the Bible explains, reality has no fundamental metric of time. There's a hint of tbat in general realitivity.  However, even more appears to be emerging in Loop Quantum Gravity where time is neither continuous nor something to be measured at all. Rather, only quanta of spacetime exist.

    Carlo Rovelli has many fine reads on this & other topics.

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