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    Re: New Edition of Bowditch
    From: Ken Gebhart
    Date: 2018 Apr 11, 17:00 -0500

    The new 2017 edition is available as a PDF from nga, but is still in the process of our printing it. Just give your second book to a friend, and we will credit your card for it

    On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:01 PM, Rommel John Miller <NoReply_Miller@fer3.com> wrote:

    Re the new edition of Bowditch, I thought the 2002 Bicentennial edition of Bowditch has been updated and is comprised of two volumes. Ordered a supposedly updated Bowditch from Celestaire, and was sent another copy of the Bicentennial 2002 edition. Now I have two copies of that edition.  

    I note too that Ken Gebhart is a NavList member, and I am wondering what he thinks. I really don't need two copies of the same edition of a book. I just wanted the newer updated edition the way I buy updated editions of other sailing texts.  

    Thank you. 

    Rommel John Miller

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