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    Re: New Introduction
    From: Dick Pratt
    Date: 2015 Nov 2, 06:38 -0800

    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2015 Nov 1, 12:02 -0800

    Hi Dick,

    Welcome aboard to you and son(s) ? from the other side of the pond.

    With your interesting and full background you are sure to make good waves for the rest of us in Navlist, which is an extemely interesting and happy place for all celnav suffererers.

    Best wishes


    Penzance, Cornwall, England 

    5°32'W 50° 06'N (ish), using Astra IIIb and mechanical watch and LOP worked with home made Bygrave slide rule! .( I'm a die hard ancient romantic! One day, when I'm rich, I'll get me a top flight old English classic sextant. Any recommendations?). Although, I've found the Astra perfectly up to my wobbly hands and dubious eyes.

    Hi Francis,

    Thank you for the warm welcome.

    In regards to the old English classic sextant. My only advice is, be diligent on ebay, because occasionally one comes up a reasonable price.

    The Astra IIIb is a fine sextant. Have you used it offshore?

    By chance are you a member of Penzance Sailing Club? If not, most clubs have a crew list...and a good way to get an enjoyable outing during the sailing season.

    Thanks again for the welcome.

    Dick Pratt

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