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    Re: New Introduction
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2015 Oct 31, 16:49 -0700


    Of the three sextants in my collection (Tamaya Jupiter w/7x35mm scope, C&P w/4x40mm scope, and U.S. Navy MK3 M.Low with 2x scope) I like the C&P the most for sailboat cockpit use because of the whole horizon field of view and variable polarized filtering. For use on a ship's bridge it is hard to beat a Tamaya Jupiter with a 7x35mm scope. The U.S. Navy M.Low has the best feel in the hand of the three.

    Greg Rudzinski

    From: Dick Pratt
    Date: 2015 Oct 31, 16:26 -0700

    Thank you Greg.

    The Kelvin, White & Hutton has the most light gathering optics and is a joy to use. Yet the US Navy Mk II has dimmer optics, but it the most enjoyable to use. The Freiberger/Zeiss is a instrument that is a mixture of speed and accuracy, that leaves one feeling the task was done in a cold and calculating way.

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