A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bernard N
Date: 2021 May 11, 05:26 -0700
In matter of sextants, SNO-T could be like Ferrari in automobiles. Very high accuracy (fix frequently close by less than 0.2 mille to GPS position). But would you recommend a Ferrari to a young new driver having no experience? The SNO-T is easyly damaged, if you are not trained to use it. Tne index mirror will be scratched as soon as you will have touched it. Adjustement of mirrors nedds to never mistake between clockwise and anti-clockwise, failing which the threads of adjusting screws will be immediately destroyed before you feel any problem. Y need to learn how to avoid to have your eye burned if you do not arrange properly the sun shades (not simple). I may list so several risks. Certainly it is preferable, to start celestial navigation, to use a good sextant, better than these plastic things showing poor images and having over 10' errors in shades or teeth. But I woud recommend you something more easy to use that this SNO-T. English Kelvin-Hughes, german Freiberger Drum, Chinese Astra IIIB, Japanese Tamaya, Russian SNO-M... All are bright, easy to work, and will not protest if you touch a miror. With an accuracy better than 1 or 2 ' . Avoid C.Plath ans Weems & Plath (costly, but not so good)
I was a professional in sextants (now retired). Exclusive importer for France of Freiberger and Celestaire Astra IIIB. I have sold and/or reapeared thousands of various trade marks.
I may help you fairly (with no charge) to find the better sextant for you. Do not hasitate to ask me.
On the other hand, your SNO-T may interest me. I have a customer for, which would take lessons by me for how to use and manage it.
Sincerely yours,
Bernard Noiriel