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    Re: Next Steps in CelNav Journey...
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Jul 16, 07:14 -0700

    Hello, WCH. Welcome aboard! :)

    I'm sure there will be lots of replies to your post with good advice, but before we proceed, I need you to email me your name. As a matter of social custom and community standard for NavList, you need a name that looks like a name, rather than just "WCH". Acceptable forms are "full first and last name" with optional additions, for example "Will C Hill" (an invented name!), or  "first name + last initial", like "Will H", "first initial + last name, like "W. Hill". Note that this is strictly for the "formula" of social custom here, and you can get around it in simple ways, but please do follow the pattern as given here. Please email me your name or variant at Frank@ReedNavigation.com, and then we can continue. Thanks!! :) I would normally send this message by email, but... nope, I don't have that for you either.

    Frank Reed

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