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    Next Steps in CelNav Journey...
    From: Will H.
    Date: 2024 Jul 15, 16:58 -0700

    Hello all, first time posting to Navlist but I have been lurking here for quite some time and appreciate everyone's expertise, it has certainly helped me on my CelNav journey.  CelNav is a hobby of mine, I won't ever sail around the world and need it to navigate in an emergency.  But i find it deeply satisfying to be outside, plan and execute a sight , perform the sight reductsion, plot and then admire the fact that I was able to determine my location on the globe within  a few Nm with just a sextant, clock, sight reduction forms and almanac. It is a wonderful challenge, a sentiment I am sure is shared by lots of folks on this forum.

    I have a plastic davis sextant and am landlocked.  Using an AH and the plastic sextant I can consistently get 4-6 Nm of my position which I feel is pretty decent considering the equipment at hand. I've reached a point now where i wanted to reach out and ask folks more knowledgeable than me some advice on next steps:

    • Burch's home study CelNav course has gotten me this far, and I will continue to take sun moon star and planet sights but what next and what are some possible ways of further advancing my knowledge and skills? Are there other home study or internet-basd courses I could take that are suggested? 
    • I've promised myself I would buy myself a more durable and higher quality sextant once i got consistent with the plastic sextant.  The Astra IIIB is attractive and well-regarded.  I like it's value ($899 from my searches), good quality and lightness. With that said I am also looking at a C&P Polaris as an option.  The C&P workmanship seems unparalelled and I would like a piece of equipment that will hold up long term, especially since this will get frequent use and not live in a box unused. I will also likely only buy one sextant in my life (or plan to anyway). The price difference seems extreme (C&P: $2100).  What would I be getting with this extra money?  Assuming money wasnt much of an object would it be worth it?  Has anyone tried the C&P Clearview technology?  I am familiar with the split view (obviously) but can't find anything online about the advantages/disadvantages of the clearview system.

    Thanks in advance!

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