A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
No DR position. How can you get an accurate celestial fix?
From: Robert Goldberg
Date: 2020 Jan 19, 07:29 -0800
From: Robert Goldberg
Date: 2020 Jan 19, 07:29 -0800
Suppose you are making an ocean passage with very cloudy and stormy weather for a week with no sights taken. Dead reckoning was very limited as your focus was on saving your boat as it was being pitched around in the stormy seas. The storm passes and the seas calm and the weather clears just enough to take a morning and afternoon sun sight, but not a noon sight. Your dead reckoning and therefore assumed position might be off by hundreds of miles. How accurate a fix could you get under these circumstances?