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    Re: [OT] Browser trick
    From: David C
    Date: 2020 Mar 2, 12:41 -0800

    As a long term user of ad blockers (anyone remember Proxomitron, circa 2003, which was issued under a ShonenWare licence?) here are my observations:

    I own my PC and control what is displayed/stored on it.

    The web uses the http protocol. The protocol is very simple. My PC asks a server for a file which the server may send to me. My PC may then display the file.

    It is my decision what files are asked for. It is the server's decision whether to send the file to me. Plain and simple!

    When I see a PC that does not use an ad blocker I am often absolutely appalled at the mess I see on the screen.

    If I reach a site that asks for registration and/or money I immediately kill the connection, knowing that I can probably find the information I want elsewhere. As an example one of my subjects of interest is the fate of the 737Max. From time to time the NY Times or Barrons(?) or the Washington Post ask me for money. I simply skip these sites. (Completely OT has the 737Max been given a certificate of airwothiness or do the fuel tanks of 400+ aircraft need to be checked for rubbish?)

    Finally I am not an internet newbie. I got my first dial up internet connection in 1996 ( $6/hour IIRC). My first connection with the online world was usenet (remember that?). Two weeks ago I had 100mbps fibre installed. Even more reason to fight attempts to send me rubbish.

    This really is finally -    my house is proudly MS and Apple free. I have used Linux for many years and rarely update my software.

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