A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Jim Hickey
Date: 2023 Nov 13, 07:04 -0800
I have owned an Oaklet sextant since 1980. It was purchase in Toronto at Meridian Marine which has long since gone out of business. I have nothing more to add than what Frank has indicated. As far as function, I have takne 1,000's of shots of all types. I have used it to a small extent on a 30 foot sailboat sailing from Virgin Islands to Bermuda many years ago and have taken it aboard a cruise ship just for fun. The inverting scope has always been a bear to use and I have on many occassions though about upgrading the scope. The monocular scope from a practical standpoint has always done the job. When I have tried to explore the ultimate accuracy of the sextant, I have never been able to detect any inherant error. On the odd occassion I have thought about trading it in for a high end brand name sextant but I really can't see that it would get me anything beyond the joy of owning say a Weems and Plath. Besides that, I have owned this one so long it has become a lifelong companion!