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    Re: Obscure Nautical Almanac star
    From: John Clements
    Date: 2020 Dec 29, 13:01 -0800

    As it happens, my father (Robert M. Clements) is a Latin teacher. His reply to my version of this question:

    Argo (a Greek word) was absorbed into Latin as a fourth declension noun, perhaps because ship names were all fourth?  That's a guess.  But tree names (quercus, pinus, etc.) are all fourth, and ships are made of wood…  A bad guess, probably.  But it is fourth, and the genitive in the 4th ends is ūs.  That line is a macron.  Does that help?  It would indeed make the genitive Argūs navis, of the ship Argo.    


    So that's the typographical piece of the question, anyhow.

    John Clements

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