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    Re: The Observer’s Book on Astro-N avigation
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2016 Apr 3, 04:30 -0700

    Thanks Bill,

    yes I did belatedly look at your excellent sextant site and all was revealed.Thanks.

    It suggests these were not routinely used for Cel Nav (then often called Astro?), since I assume that would only be useful at low aircraft altitudes (no bubble horizon), and I'm not sure why having a slightly smaller "normal" sextant is that much an improvement on a big flying boat?

    With regard to the original big question "Did Chichester Box or not" during his Tasman flight.Do you have an opinion on this? As far as I can tell , the only reference to his possible use of a  Box sextant comes from the Arthur Hughes chapter on Air Navigation.

    Do you have any thoughts on what Type of "normal sextant" Chichester might  have bought in New Zealand in early 1931? He was 740 miles out with his Booth bubble sextant and abandoned  that in favour of a "normal sextant" and low altitude shots.

    I would love to solve this conudrum once and for all!


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