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    Re: Occultations of stars by the Moon
    From: Geoff Hitchcox
    Date: 2023 Oct 19, 18:48 -0700

    Hi Kermit,

    I thought you might like to see what the "Swiss Ephemeris" (JPL ephemeris based) gives for the Occultation - using the following command line (all times below are UT).

    ./swetest -ejpl -occult -pf -b01.01.1924 -local -xfRegulus -geopos288.408833,41.845167,107 

    Total(sunrise)   23.10.1924   ( dt=23.7 )

    Immersion =   10:58:01.6

    Emersion =     12:11:33.2 

    Because it was flagged with "sunrise" - I then asked for the time of Sunrise with this command.

    ./swetest -ejpl -b23.10.1924 -n1 -s1 -geopos288.408833,41.845167,107 -p0 -rise

    Sunrise on the 23.10.1924 = 11:07:45.4

    Comparing above *Occult* times with Sunrise gives:

    Immersion = 10:58:01.6 (9 mins 43.8 secs BEFORE Sunrise)

    Emersion  = 12:11:33.2 (1 hr 3 mins 47.8 secs AFTER Sunrise)

    So to me, it is amazing they were able to get anywhere near a *decent* value (back in 1924) - because of light pollution from the Sun!

    Regards, Geoff Hitchcox, Christchurch, New Zealand.

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