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    Ode to Celestial Navigation
    From: Mark Coady
    Date: 2017 Jul 31, 18:57 -0700

    I might tweak this some more, but I can't resist posting this.  I am also a poet, working on a book of poetry, much of it nautical, relating to my times at sea ("Sea of Echoes").  After the last few years diving into CNAV in depth, I had to include something on celestial navigation. I've been among the missing lately as my mother fell and broke her hip, but I sat in various hospitals and surgery wards with hours to kill writing this.

    Hope it is at least entertaining;  on subject, but not sure up to technical standards.............

    [NOTE: this message has been edited at Mark Coady's request to reference the updated version of the 'ode' below...]

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