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    Official star names
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2016 Sep 15, 11:59 -0700

    I was surprised to learn yesterday that the IAU, the International Astronomical Union, has finally agreed to publish official lists of common star names. Up until now traditional star names, like Betelgeuse, have had no real standing in the astronomical literature. It was customary in scientific publicatons to use a catalog designation or at best a Bayer name, like Alpha Orionis, to refer to stars with well-known common names. But now there's an IAU working group for star names, and they have published official lists, as below. You'll note that most navigational star names are included but there are some omissions, like the annoying "Rigil Kentaurus" (can't we just agree that "Alpha Centauri" is a legitimate star name in this case?). Could someone run through the standard 57 "navigational stars" and see which ones are missing, if any others? There are also some extraordinary, and weird, additions like the name "Cervantes" for the star Mu Arae. Notice the date in the final column in the table below. Some additions were made as recently as three weeks ago. Also you'll notice that the weird names all date from the list published on 2015-12-15, apparently the result of a naming competition for extra-solar planets.

    Frank Reed 

    # "IAU Catalog of Star Names (IAU-CSN)"
    # IAU Division C Working Group on Star Names (WGSN)
    # https://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/280/
    # WGSN Chair: Eric Mamajek. Email questions or comments to: IAUWGSN@gmail.com
    # Last updated 21 August 2016
    # Notes: "ID" column is either Bayer greek letter (using two or
    # three-letter abbreviations recognized by the SESAME and SIMBAD
    # databases; e.g. "alf" = alpha) or Flamsteed numbers, as IDed
    # following the The Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. (Hoffleit &
    # Warren 1991). Names marked approved "2015-12-15" are exoplanet host
    # star names - a mix of common names and names adopted via the
    # NameExoWorlds contest - reviewed and adopted by the Executive
    # Committee WG Public Naming of Planets and Planetary Satellites, and
    # formally recognized by WGSN.  The "#" after the constellation column
    # is the component # to the Bayer/Flamsteed designation, if needed
    # (e.g. Proxima Centauri = alf Cen "C"), but may be left blank where
    # the primary by visual brightness is unambiguous (blank = A).
    # Name           Designation     RA(J2000)  Dec(J2000)  Vmag ID    Con #   HIP#    HD#   Approved   
    Alpheratz        HR 15            2.096916  29.090431   2.07 alf   And      677    358 2016-06-30 
    Caph             HR 21            2.294522  59.149781   2.28 bet   Cas      746    432 2016-06-30 
    Algenib          HR 39            3.308963  15.183594   2.83 gam   Peg     1067    886 2016-06-30 
    Ankaa            HR 99            6.570939 -42.306084   2.40 alf   Phe     2081   2261 2016-07-20 
    Schedar          HR 168          10.126838  56.537331   2.24 alf   Cas     3179   3712 2016-08-21 
    Diphda           HR 188          10.897379 -17.986606   2.04 bet   Cet     3419   4128 2016-08-21 
    Mirach           HR 337          17.433013  35.620557   2.07 bet   And     5447   6860 2016-06-30 
    Adhil            HR 390          20.585080  45.528778   4.87 xi    And     6411   8207 2016-08-21 
    Ruchbah          HR 403          21.453964  60.235284   2.66 del   Cas     6686   8538 2016-08-21 
    Titawin          HR 458          24.199342  41.405457   4.09 ups   And     7513   9826 2015-12-15 
    Achernar         HR 472          24.428523 -57.236753   0.45 alf   Eri     7588  10144 2016-06-30 
    Mothallah        HR 544          28.270450  29.578826   3.42 alf   Tri     8796  11443 2016-08-21 
    Mesarthim        HR 546          28.382560  19.293852   4.75 gam01 Ari     8832  11502 2016-08-21 
    Sheratan         HR 553          28.660046  20.808031   2.64 bet   Ari     8903  11636 2016-07-20 
    Alrescha         HR 596          30.511772   2.763735   3.82 alf   Psc     9487  12446 2016-08-21 
    Almach           HR 603          30.974804  42.329725   2.10 gam01 And     9640  12533 2016-07-20 
    Hamal            HR 617          31.793357  23.462418   2.01 alf   Ari     9884  12929 2016-07-20 
    Mira             HR 681          34.836617  -2.977640   6.47 omi   Cet    10826  14386 2016-06-30 
    Polaris          HR 424          37.954561  89.264109   1.97 alf   UMi    11767   8890 2016-06-30 
    Acamar           HR 897          44.565311 -40.304672   2.88 tet   Eri    13847  18622 2016-07-20 
    Menkar           HR 911          45.569885   4.089737   2.54 alf   Cet    14135  18884 2016-06-30 
    Algol            HR 936          47.042215  40.955648   2.09 bet   Per    14576  19356 2016-06-30 
    Mirfak           HR 1017         51.080709  49.861179   1.79 alf   Per    15863  20902 2016-07-20 
    Ran              HR 1084         53.232687  -9.458259   3.73 eps   Eri    16537  22049 2015-12-15 
    Celaeno          HR 1140         56.200893  24.289468   5.45 16    Tau    17489  23288 2016-08-21 
    Electra          HR 1142         56.218904  24.113336   3.72 17    Tau    17499  23302 2016-08-21 
    Taygeta          HR 1145         56.302063  24.467270   4.30 19    Tau    17531  23338 2016-08-21 
    Maia             HR 1149         56.456695  24.367751   3.87 20    Tau    17573  23408 2016-07-20 
    Asterope         HR 1151         56.476987  24.554512   5.76 21    Tau    17579  23432 2016-08-21 
    Merope           HR 1156         56.581552  23.948348   4.14 23    Tau    17608  23480 2016-07-20 
    Alcyone          HR 1165         56.871152  24.105136   2.85 eta   Tau    17702  23630 2016-06-30 
    Atlas            HR 1178         57.290597  24.053415   3.62 27    Tau    17847  23850 2016-08-21 
    Pleione          HR 1180         57.296738  24.136710   5.05 28    Tau    17851  23862 2016-06-30 
    Zaurak           HR 1231         59.507360 -13.508516   2.97 gam   Eri    18543  25025 2016-07-20 
    Ain              HR 1409         67.154163  19.180435   3.53 eps   Tau    20889  28305 2015-12-15 
    Aldebaran        HR 1457         68.980163  16.509302   0.87 alf   Tau    21421  29139 2016-06-30 
    Cursa            HR 1666         76.962440  -5.086446   2.78 bet   Eri    23875  33111 2016-07-20 
    Rigel            HR 1713         78.634467  -8.201638   0.18 bet   Ori    24436  34085 2016-06-30 
    Capella          HR 1708         79.172328  45.997991   0.08 alf   Aur    24608  34029 2016-06-30 
    Bellatrix        HR 1790         81.282764   6.349703   1.64 gam   Ori    25336  35468 2016-06-30 
    Elnath           HR 1791         81.572971  28.607452   1.65 bet   Tau    25428  35497 2016-07-20 
    Nihal            HR 1829         82.061346 -20.759441   2.81 bet   Lep    25606  36079 2016-07-20 
    Mintaka          HR 1852         83.001667  -0.299095   2.25 del   Ori    25930  36486 2016-07-20 
    Arneb            HR 1865         83.182567 -17.822289   2.58 alf   Lep    25985  36673 2016-07-20 
    Meissa           HR 1879         83.784486   9.934156   3.39 lam   Ori    26207  36861 2016-07-20 
    Alnilam          HR 1903         84.053389  -1.201919   1.69 eps   Ori    26311  37128 2016-07-20 
    Phact            HR 1956         84.912254 -34.074110   2.65 alf   Col    26634  37795 2016-07-20 
    Alnitak          HR 1948         85.189694  -1.942574   1.74 zet   Ori    26727  37742 2016-07-20 
    Saiph            HR 2004         86.939120  -9.669605   2.07 kap   Ori    27366  38771 2016-07-20 
    Wazn             HR 2040         87.739968 -35.768310   3.12 bet   Col    27628  39425 2016-07-20 
    Betelgeuse       HR 2061         88.792939   7.407064   0.45 alf   Ori    27989  39801 2016-06-30 
    Menkalinan       HR 2088         89.882179  44.947433   1.90 bet   Aur    28360  40183 2016-07-20 
    Propus           HR 2216         93.719405  22.506794   3.31 eta   Gem    29655  42995 2016-07-20 
    Furud            HR 2282         95.078300 -30.063367   3.02 zet   CMa    30122  44402 2016-07-20 
    Mirzam           HR 2294         95.674939 -17.955919   1.98 bet   CMa    30324  44743 2016-07-20 
    Canopus          HR 2326         95.987958 -52.695661  -0.62 alf   Car    30438  45348 2016-06-30 
    Alhena           HR 2421         99.427960  16.399280   1.93 gam   Gem    31681  47105 2016-07-20 
    Mebsuta          HR 2473        100.983026  25.131127   3.06 eps   Gem    32246  48329 2016-07-20 
    Sirius           HR 2491        101.287155 -16.716116  -1.44 alf   CMa    32349  48915 2016-06-30 
    Adhara           HR 2618        104.656453 -28.972086   1.50 eps   CMa    33579  52089 2016-08-21 
    Muliphein        HR 2657        105.939554 -15.633286   4.11 gam   CMa    34045  53244 2016-08-21 
    Wezen            HR 2693        107.097850 -26.393200   1.83 del   CMa    34444  54605 2016-07-20 
    Wasat            HR 2777        110.030749  21.982316   3.50 del   Gem    35550  56986 2016-08-21 
    Aludra           HR 2827        111.023760 -29.303106   2.45 eta   CMa    35904  58350 2016-07-20 
    Gomeisa          HR 2845        111.787674   8.289316   2.89 bet   CMi    36188  58715 2016-07-20 
    Castor           HR 2891        113.649428  31.888276   1.98 alf   Gem    36850  60179 2016-06-30 
    Procyon          HR 2943        114.825493   5.224993   0.40 alf   CMi    37279  61421 2016-06-30 
    Pollux           HR 2990        116.328958  28.026199   1.16 bet   Gem    37826  62509 2016-06-30 
    Naos             HR 3165        120.896031 -40.003148   2.21 zet   Pup    39429  66811 2016-08-21 
    Avior            HR 3307        125.628480 -59.509484   1.86 eps   Car    41037  71129 2016-07-20 
    Muscida          HR 3323        127.566128  60.718170   3.35 omi   UMa    41704  71369 2016-07-20 
    Copernicus       HR 3522        133.149212  28.330820   5.95 55    Cnc    43587  75732 2015-12-15 
    Acubens          HR 3572        134.621740  11.857687   4.26 alf   Cnc    44066  76756 2016-07-20 
    Talitha          HR 3569        134.801890  48.041826   3.12 iot   UMa    44127  76644 2016-07-20 
    Suhail           HR 3634        136.998993 -43.432589   2.23 lam   Vel    44816  78647 2016-08-21 
    Miaplacidus      HR 3685        138.299906 -69.717208   1.67 bet   Car    45238  80007 2016-07-20 
    Aspidiske        HR 3699        139.272529 -59.275232   2.21 iot   Car    45556  80404 2016-07-20 
    Alphard          HR 3748        141.896847  -8.658602   1.99 alf   Hya    46390  81797 2016-07-20 
    Intercrus        HR 3743        142.166618  45.601482   5.41 -     UMa    46471  81688 2015-12-15 
    Regulus          HR 3982        152.092962  11.967209   1.36 alf   Leo    49669  87901 2016-06-30 
    Adhafera         HR 4031        154.172567  23.417312   3.43 zet   Leo    50335  89025 2016-07-20 
    Tania Borealis   HR 4033        154.274095  42.914356   3.45 lam   UMa    50372  89021 2016-07-20 
    Algieba          HR 4057        154.993144  19.841489   2.61 gam01 Leo    50583  89484 2016-07-20 
    Tania Australis  HR 4069        155.582250  41.499519   3.06 mu    UMa    50801  89758 2016-07-20 
    Chalawan         HR 4277        164.866553  40.430256   5.03 47    UMa    53721  95128 2015-12-15 
    Merak            HR 4295        165.460319  56.382426   2.34 bet   UMa    53910  95418 2016-06-30 
    Dubhe            HR 4301        165.931965  61.751035   1.81 alf   UMa    54061  95689 2016-06-30 
    Zosma            HR 4357        168.527089  20.523718   2.56 del   Leo    54872  97603 2016-07-20 
    Chertan          HR 4359        168.560019  15.429571   3.33 tet   Leo    54879  97633 2016-07-20 
    Alula Australis  HR 4375        169.545423  31.529161   4.41 xi    UMa    55203  98231 2016-07-20 
    Alula Borealis   HR 4377        169.619737  33.094305   3.49 nu    UMa    55219  98262 2016-07-20 
    Denebola         HR 4534        177.264910  14.572058   2.14 bet   Leo    57632 102647 2016-06-30 
    Zavijava         HR 4540        177.673826   1.764717   3.59 bet   Vir    57757 102870 2016-08-21 
    Phecda           HR 4554        178.457679  53.694758   2.41 gam   UMa    58001 103287 2016-07-20 
    Tonatiuh         HR 4609        181.312995  76.905735   5.80 -     Cam    58952 104985 2015-12-15 
    Megrez           HR 4660        183.856503  57.032615   3.32 del   UMa    59774 106591 2016-06-30 
    Acrux            HR 4730        186.649563 -63.099093   1.33 alf01 Cru    60718 108248 2016-07-20 
    Algorab          HR 4757        187.466063 -16.515431   2.94 del   Crv    60965 108767 2016-07-20 
    Gacrux           HR 4763        187.791498 -57.113213   1.59 gam   Cru    61084 108903 2016-07-20 
    Chara            HR 4785        188.435603  41.357479   4.24 bet   CVn    61317 109358 2016-07-20 
    Porrima          HR 4825        190.415181  -1.449373   2.74 gam   Vir    61941 110379 2016-07-20 
    Mimosa           HR 4853        191.930263 -59.688764   1.25 bet   Cru    62434 111123 2016-07-20 
    Alioth           HR 4905        193.507290  55.959823   1.76 eps   UMa    62956 112185 2016-06-30 
    Cor Caroli       HR 4915        194.006943  38.318376   2.89 alf02 CVn    63125 112413 2016-07-20 
    Lich             PSR B1257+12   195.012701  12.682417      - -     Vir        -      - 2015-12-15 
    Vindemiatrix     HR 4932        195.544157  10.959149   2.85 eps   Vir    63608 113226 2016-07-20 
    Mizar            HR 5054        200.981429  54.925362   2.23 zet   UMa    65378 116656 2016-06-30 
    Spica            HR 5056        201.298247 -11.161319   0.98 alf   Vir    65474 116658 2016-06-30 
    Alcor            HR 5062        201.306403  54.987954   3.99 80    UMa    65477 116842 2016-06-30 
    Alkaid           HR 5191        206.885157  49.313267   1.85 eta   UMa    67301 120315 2016-06-30 
    Hadar            HR 5267        210.955856 -60.373035   0.61 bet   Cen    68702 122451 2016-08-21 
    Thuban           HR 5291        211.097291  64.375851   3.67 alf   Dra    68756 123299 2016-06-30 
    Menkent          HR 5288        211.670617 -36.369958   2.06 tet   Cen    68933 123139 2016-08-21 
    Arcturus         HR 5340        213.915300  19.182409  -0.05 alf   Boo    69673 124897 2016-06-30 
    Proxima Centauri GJ 551         217.428953 -62.679484  11.01 alf   Cen C  70890 999999 2016-08-21 
    Seginus          HR 5435        218.019466  38.308251   3.04 gam   Boo    71075 127762 2016-08-21 
    Izar             HR 5506        221.246763  27.074207   2.35 eps   Boo    72105 129988 2016-08-21 
    Kochab           HR 5563        222.676357  74.155504   2.07 bet   UMi    72607 131873 2016-07-20 
    Zubenelgenubi    HR 5531        222.719638 -16.041777   2.75 alf02 Lib    72622 130841 2016-08-21 
    Nekkar           HR 5602        225.486510  40.390567   3.49 bet   Boo    73555 133208 2016-08-21 
    Zubeneschamali   HR 5685        229.251724  -9.382914   2.61 bet   Lib    74785 135742 2016-08-21 
    Pherkad          HR 5735        230.182150  71.834017   3.00 gam   UMi    75097 137422 2016-08-21 
    Alkalurops       HR 5733        231.122618  37.377169   4.31 mu01  Boo    75411 137391 2016-08-21 
    Edasich          HR 5744        231.232396  58.966063   3.29 iot   Dra    75458 137759 2015-12-15 
    Alphecca         HR 5793        233.671950  26.714693   2.22 alf   CrB    76267 139006 2016-07-20 
    Unukalhai        HR 5854        236.066976   6.425629   2.63 alf   Ser    77070 140573 2016-08-21 
    Dschubba         HR 5953        240.083359 -22.621710   2.29 del   Sco    78401 143275 2016-08-21 
    Acrab            HR 5984        241.359300 -19.805453   2.56 bet01 Sco    78820 144217 2016-08-21 
    Antares          HR 6134        247.351915 -26.432003   1.06 alf   Sco    80763 148478 2016-06-30 
    Kornephoros      HR 6148        247.554998  21.489611   2.78 bet   Her    80816 148856 2016-08-21 
    Ogma             HD 149026      247.623409  38.347311   8.16 -     Her    80838 149026 2015-12-15 
    Atria            HR 6217        252.166229 -69.027712   1.91 alf   TrA    82273 150798 2016-07-20 
    Sabik            HR 6378        257.594529 -15.724907   2.43 eta   Oph    84012 155125 2016-08-21 
    Rasalgethi       HR 6406        258.661910  14.390333   3.37 alf01 Her    84345 156014 2016-06-30 
    Rastaban         HR 6536        262.608174  52.301389   2.79 bet   Dra    85670 159181 2016-08-21 
    Lesath           HR 6508        262.690979 -37.295813   2.70 ups   Sco    85696 158408 2016-08-21 
    Yildun           HR 6789        263.054126  86.586462   4.35 del   UMi    85822 166205 2016-08-21 
    Shaula           HR 6527        263.402167 -37.103824   1.62 lam   Sco    85927 158926 2016-07-20 
    Rasalhague       HR 6556        263.733627  12.560035   2.08 alf   Oph    86032 159561 2016-07-20 
    Sargas           HR 6553        264.329711 -42.997824   1.86 tet   Sco    86228 159532 2016-08-21 
    Cebalrai         HR 6603        265.868136   4.567300   2.76 bet   Oph    86742 161096 2016-08-21 
    Cervantes        HR 6585        266.036255 -51.834051   5.15 mu    Ara    86796 160691 2015-12-15 
    Eltanin          HR 6705        269.151541  51.488896   2.24 gam   Dra    87833 164058 2016-08-21 
    Alnasl           HR 6746        271.452025 -30.424100   2.98 gam   Sgr    88635 165135 2016-08-21 
    Kaus Media       HR 6859        275.248508 -29.828104   2.72 del   Sgr    89931 168454 2016-07-20 
    Kaus Australis   HR 6879        276.042993 -34.384616   1.79 eps   Sgr    90185 169022 2016-07-20 
    Fafnir           HR 6945        276.496406  65.563480   4.82 42    Dra    90344 170693 2015-12-15 
    Kaus Borealis    HR 6913        276.992668 -25.421701   2.82 lam   Sgr    90496 169916 2016-07-20 
    Vega             HR 7001        279.234735  38.783689   0.03 alf   Lyr    91262 172167 2016-06-30 
    Sheliak          HR 7106        282.519978  33.362668   3.52 bet   Lyr    92420 174638 2016-08-21 
    Nunki            HR 7121        283.816360 -26.296724   2.05 sig   Sgr    92855 175191 2016-08-21 
    Alya             HR 7141        284.054949   4.203602   4.62 tet01 Ser    92946 175638 2016-08-21 
    Sulafat          HR 7178        284.735928  32.689557   3.25 gam   Lyr    93194 176437 2016-08-21 
    Altais           HR 7310        288.138750  67.661541   3.07 del   Dra    94376 180711 2016-08-21 
    Rukbat           HR 7348        290.971570 -40.615940   3.96 alf   Sgr    95347 181869 2016-07-20 
    Albireo          HR 7417        292.680351  27.959692   3.05 bet01 Cyg    95947 183912 2016-07-20 
    Tarazed          HR 7525        296.564915  10.613262   2.72 gam   Aql    97278 186791 2016-08-21 
    Altair           HR 7557        297.695827   8.868321   0.76 alf   Aql    97649 187642 2016-06-30 
    Libertas         HR 7595        298.562008   8.461453   4.71 xi    Aql    97938 188310 2015-12-15 
    Alshain          HR 7602        298.828304   6.406763   3.71 bet   Aql    98036 188512 2016-08-21 
    Algedi           HR 7754        304.513566 -12.544852   3.58 alf02 Cap   100064 192947 2016-08-21 
    Dabih            HR 7776        305.252803 -14.781405   3.05 bet01 Cap   100345 193495 2016-08-21 
    Sadr             HR 7796        305.557091  40.256679   2.23 gam   Cyg   100453 194093 2016-08-21 
    Peacock          HR 7790        306.411904 -56.735090   1.94 alf   Pav   100751 193924 2016-07-20 
    Deneb            HR 7924        310.357980  45.280339   1.25 alf   Cyg   102098 197345 2016-06-30 
    Musica           HR 8030        314.608058  10.839286   5.48 18    Del   103527 199665 2015-12-15 
    Kitalpha         HR 8131        318.955949   5.247865   3.92 alf   Equ   104987 202447 2016-08-21 
    Alderamin        HR 8162        319.644885  62.585574   2.45 alf   Cep   105199 203280 2016-07-20 
    Alfirk           HR 8238        322.164987  70.560715   3.23 bet   Cep   106032 205021 2016-08-21 
    Sadalsuud        HR 8232        322.889715  -5.571176   2.90 bet   Aqr   106278 204867 2016-08-21 
    Nashira          HR 8278        325.022735 -16.662308   3.69 gam   Cap   106985 206088 2016-08-21 
    Enif             HR 8308        326.046484   9.875009   2.38 eps   Peg   107315 206778 2016-07-20 
    Sadalmelik       HR 8414        331.445983  -0.319849   2.95 alf   Aqr   109074 209750 2016-08-21 
    Alnair           HR 8425        332.058270 -46.960974   1.73 alf   Gru   109268 209952 2016-07-20 
    Biham            HR 8450        332.549939   6.197863   3.52 tet   Peg   109427 210418 2016-08-21 
    Sadachbia        HR 8518        335.414064  -1.387334   3.86 gam   Aqr   110395 212061 2016-08-21 
    Homam            HR 8634        340.365503  10.831363   3.41 zet   Peg   112029 214923 2016-08-21 
    Matar            HR 8650        340.750579  30.221244   2.93 eta   Peg   112158 215182 2016-08-21 
    Sadalbari        HR 8684        342.500809  24.601577   3.51 mu    Peg   112748 216131 2016-08-21 
    Skat             HR 8709        343.662556 -15.820827   3.27 del   Aqr   113136 216627 2016-08-21 
    Helvetios        HR 8729        344.366583  20.768831   5.49 51    Peg   113357 217014 2015-12-15 
    Fomalhaut        HR 8728        344.412693 -29.622237   1.17 alf   PsA   113368 216956 2015-12-15 
    Scheat           HR 8775        345.943572  28.082785   2.44 bet   Peg   113881 217906 2016-06-30 
    Markab           HR 8781        346.190223  15.205267   2.49 alf   Peg   113963 218045 2016-06-30 
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    Errai            HR 8974        354.836655  77.632313   3.21 gam   Cep   116727 222404 2015-12-15 
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