A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Michael Bradley
Date: 2022 Jul 26, 11:32 -0700
Thanks for the article link, Frank.
The missing hardware electronic engineers it refers to are all working for the chip manufacturers, or consultancies. Because the prototyping is so very expensive for any chip, and the need is to make them easy to use and hence sell, all new integrated circuits come out with a support library of 'Application Notes' full of free issues of circuit diagrams for external circuitry.
The rest of the physicists and electronic engineering graduates, educated to predict the operation of almost abstract systems, can always get work in financial services where modellers using 'hard sums' are well rewarded. When I was teaching undergraduate and postgraduate electronics, close to 50% of the student destinations were into financial services.
Michael Bradley