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    Re: Old Garmin GPS device
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2019 Aug 3, 20:19 -0700

    Peter M, you wrote:
    "Try letting it view the sky for 30 minutes so as to pick up at least two copies of the UTC-to-GPS offset, that is, the sum-of-leapseconds.  Perhaps the receiver should not be claiming to know UTC until it has a fresh copy of this data..."

    I had a chance to toss it out in the backyard for an hour yesterday, and yes, that did it. So this nearly 20-year-old GPS receiver is now reporting all data correctly: lat, lon, and UTC. I believe it's only using the GPS satellites (I doubt it was Glonass-capable since that system was in decline back then). My phone gives a better fix, but it's only a moderate difference. I have no viable use for the old thing, but it's nice to know that the tech is relatively robust.

    Frank Reed

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