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    Old Sextant - Charles Hutchinson
    From: Carl Main
    Date: 2021 Jan 13, 15:48 -0800

    I have an old sextant that was owned by my father who was an avid sailor.  He passed away in 1974, and it has been in my garage ever since.  It is in its wooden case, and it says "Charles G. Hutchinson, Boston" on it.  I don't know how old it is; I suspect my father had it as a prized old relic, and not as a sextant to actually use.  It is in fair shape, probably needing a really good cleaning.  I don't know what to do with it.  Throwing it out seems a shameful thing to do.  Can anyone advise me?  Does anyone want it?  Photo attached (I think).  Contact me at ... mathcaptain@gmail.com


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