A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: John Rizzuto
Date: 2021 Jan 14, 15:40 +0000
The sextant, the optics and the case appear to be identical to mine - photo attached. Mine was sold by Whyte Thomson & Co Glasgow. I purchased it from an ancient mariner in the early 1970s. I can still remember how he pronounced "horizon" as he showed me how to bring the sun down to the horizon. Somehere among my papers I probably still have a letter with his name on it.
There is an identical sextant on display in the Wellington Museum (caution - google will take you to Te Papa which is not the Wellington Museum). This is the reply I received when I contacted them
"Thanks for contacting Wellington Museum.
Our Whyte Thomson & Co sextant dates to 1946, so not particularly old. The company was in business for well over 125 years.
Unfortunately we are unable to date them."Please do not throw it away!