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    Re: A One-Hour Presentation on Celestial Navigation
    From: Bruce J. Pennino
    Date: 2016 Mar 12, 09:40 -0500
    Good Morning/good day:
    These presentations are just excellent and so readable/understandable.  I have made copies for any future use. Thank you....... a lot of work and time went into these pages.
    Best regards,

    Bruce J. Pennino, P.E.
    Civil Engineer
    35 Woodridge Road
    Holden, MA  USA 01520
    (508) 829 - 7131

    Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:38 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: A One-Hour Presentation on Celestial Navigation

    "There are 6 pages for each seminar of which I will be happy to send PDFs to anyone. Or I could post them here, but I don’t know the rules for that. Bill is right, the audience was completely engaged, and attendees approached me afterwards saying they never had anyone explain celestial so simply. This came from newbies and old power squadron hands with Ns."


    Attached File:

    (Basic-Seminar.pdf: Open and save or View online)

    Attached File:

    (Practical-Seminar.pdf: Open and save or View online)

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