A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2021 Jan 29, 00:28 -0800
Dear Frank,
Thank you for answering me.
Yes, luckily, I can read|write several European languages based on Latin script, the problem is - those are not even the majority of the scripts and languages in existence.
For example, right now (while writing this post) I tried to enter the date in Russian, and as expected, the parser failed. I would not remind you about Chinese and|or Hindu, etc...
The people behind ISO-8601 are really clever - they propose the one and only logical way of the date representation. After all - you do not write an amount of money starting with the pennies, you start with millions, then - you write thousands, then - hundreds, ans so on, the same SHOULD apply to the date: years, then months, then days (then hours, minutes and then seconds - at the very LAST place!). And if the month is entered as a number - this will eliminate ANY AND ALL chances for an error or misunderstanding.
The argument, that there are (many) other sites doing some intricate linguistics for that - basically trivial - task, does not hold. We have a saying:
Millions of flies cannot be all mistaken!
That is not an attack or an insult - at least that is NOT my intention. Just a suggestion to make that page more user-friendly and robust. :)
Hope you could look into that some day.
Thank you in advance.
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E