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    Online "Office Hours" meeting in two days (Sunday, 2000 UT)
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2021 Apr 9, 09:38 -0700

    Next online meeting is Sunday, April 11 at 4pm Eastern US time (1pm US Pacific time or 2000 UT). Special topic: navigation by visual observation of artificial satellites. The following day, April 12, is a big day in the history of space flight: the sixtieth anniversay of Yuri Gagarin's flight and the fortieth anniversary of the the first Space Shuttle flight. So wear your space helmet.

    Just a reminder that I'm switching to weekly meetings but alternating Fridays and Sundays. This week Sunday. Then Friday. Then Sunday... We'll see how that goes. The link with a live countdown to the next date and time as always may be found here:

    Frank Reed

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