A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2025 Mar 5, 22:53 +0100
The approach of the “celestial_navigation_pi” plugging is somehow weird, useful for teaching concepts or doing an error analysis, but not for practical celestial navigation. At least in the usual way of practicing it.
I have dedicated some time to see the C++ source code in celestial_navigation_pi-master.zip
First of all, it is a bit chaotic and not very modular, so maintenance is difficult.
Basically it uses the calculation of the ephemerides based on a SIMPLIFIED SOLUTION described in Jean Meeus: VSOP87 for planets, ELP2000 for Moon position solution.
I said that I usually use OpenCPN, not the celestial_navigation_pi plugging.