A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Other uses for USNO Navigational Star Chart
From: Samuel L
Date: 2015 Nov 23, 12:47 -0800
From: Samuel L
Date: 2015 Nov 23, 12:47 -0800
I've found the USNO Navigational Star Chart to be very helpful in planning star shots but am wondering if it the chart can be used for other purposes such as;
- determining GHA Aries for when a body will be at a certain altitude
I've tried putting a parallel rules across on a diagonal so that they touch 180 and 360 (or 0 and 180) and moving them around to obtain a fairly close GHA Aries can be used for, say, when Sirius is just on the horizon (converting to LHA).
I'm probably doing something wrong.
Any ideas?
Sam L.