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    Re: Patrick O'Brian series
    From: Marcelo S
    Date: 2014 Jan 17, 20:00 -0200

    "A man walking briskly made five"
    I would like to know that man...
    2014/1/15, Andr�s Ruiz :
    > I read novels by:
    > Patrick O'Brian  Aubrey &
    > Maturin
    > C. S. Forester  Horatio
    > Hornblower
    > Dudley Pope 
    > Julian Stockwin 
    > Alexander Kent  (Douglas
    > Reeman) Bolitho
    > Now I am reading Convoy by Pope (WW2). An extract:
    > Grey ships steaming along on a grey sea under a grey sky; a long grey swell
    > rolling in from the west. There had been no hint of the sun at noon, so
    > there had been no sights; the barometer was staying the same. Yorke walked
    > into the chartroom to look at the chart. Hobson had put a pencilled cross,
    > with the time and date, showing the noon position by dead reckoning, and
    > the convoy�s zig-zag progress across the chart was so slight he had to use
    > a sharp pencil. Six knots - Columbus�s little ships must have crossed to
    > the New World at about that speed when running before the Trade winds. Six
    > knots. A man walking briskly made five. The convoy from Liverpool to
    > Freetown was going the whole way at slightly more than the speed of a man
    > walking to church on a Sunday morning with a nip in the air. That was the
    > speed at which most convoys crossed the Atlantic, simply because six knots
    > was the speed that most small merchant ships could guarantee to maintain
    > ...
    > --
    > Andr�s Ruiz
    > Navigational Algorithms
    > http://sites.google.com/site/navigationalalgorithms/
    > : http://fer3.com/arc/m2.aspx?i=126386

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