A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Perpendicularity Error and the Davis Mk 3 Sextant
From: Bob Goethe
Date: 2017 Nov 12, 17:07 -0800
From: Bob Goethe
Date: 2017 Nov 12, 17:07 -0800
I have a Davis Mark 3 sextant with a perpendicularity error. Is this error likely to be consistent across a range of altitudes?
The Mark 3 has adjustment screws to take out side error and index error, but you just have to live with whatever perpendicularity error you have.
So then, if my sights are off by X minutes because of a perpendicularity error, is "X" likely to be the same whether I am shooting a celestial object at 15° or 55°?
Or will this instrument irregularity introduce a different error at every possible altitude?