A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bruce J. Pennino
Date: 2016 Jan 25, 17:51 -0500
Dear Navlisters,
I want to plan my two body fix such that the resultant intersection of the two lines of position will not be less than 45°.
I want to us the Celestial Tools software to help with the planning (unless there is a better way).
I suspect that the individual Zn for each of the bodies to be used in the fix will be useful in chosing the ideal pairs. I'm not sure how much their various altitudes will impact the selection such that I can be assured that the intersetion of the lines of positoin will not be less than 45°.
Which of all the relationships among the celestial positions will be the easiest to review and compare in order to project what the likely angle of intersection will be?
This question may be too general but I'm hoping there will be some simple rule of thumb. I see that there is a fucntion which will permit some comparison between the relative angular positions among the stars/planets upon the celestial sphere but I'm not certain how that corralates to their respective lines of positions once the two sights have been taken.
Steve Bryant