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    Re: Plath KS 3D
    From: Robert Eno
    Date: 2015 Oct 10, 14:51 -0600

    I believe that is a C. Plath aircraft sextant, aka “SOLD”.  It looks to me like yours is one of the models fitted with an adjustable bubble unit. Of interest, the SOLD bubble unit later incorporated into C. Plath’s marine sextant bubble attachment.


    As for value, these are one of the more sought-after aircraft sextants and if in good working order, I reckon you could fetch anywhere from $500 - $800 for it.  But at this point, I suggest that a few of our members – Ridge White and Ken Gebhart – would be in a better position to assess the monetary value. I am just speculating based on past searches on this particular model.




    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Ben Keating
    Sent: October-09-15 11:52 PM
    To: enoid@northwestel.net
    Subject: [NavList] Plath KS 3D


    I have a Plath sextant dated 1945 - SKS 3D, serial number 3869 I would like to know a bit more about.  It is in the wooden box, I would like to know more about this and get an idea of value - thanks!

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