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    Re: Polar Grid AirNav and Oceanic AirNav
    From: Ludwig Schweinfurth
    Date: 2018 Feb 25, 17:56 -0800


      Thanks for that post.  It brought back wonderful memories and revealed some very bad memory.  Even with the forms from my navigation kit in front of me I had trouble remembering the details of pressure navigation and grid.  You touched on every single form of navigation I used but there is one interesting detail about heading error.  When you drop bombs using an offset aim point heading error is very detrimental and gets worse with distance to the aimpoint.  One way we corrected for that was to move the crosshairs from one aimpoint to the other and if they fell off in a perpendicular dirrection it was attributed to heading error.  We could dial out the error on the gyro if we had time. The other interesting radar navigation technique was called target timing wind.  We could aim at a target, wait a few minutes for the crosshairs to drift off, put the crosshairs back on the target, and the computer (analog) would give us the true wind dirrection and velocity. Now I just play around with my sextant and astrocompass colection from a an unchanging asumed position but it's fun to remenber the old times.  



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