A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Mike Freeman
Date: 2019 Dec 9, 00:04 -0800
From: Mike Freeman
Date: 2019 Dec 9, 00:04 -0800
I have often wondered why LOP's derived from star sights used in conjunction with AP3270 require a correction for precession and nutation whereas sights of Polaris do not require this correction.
I think I now understand but you may wish to correct or improve my understanding.
Polaris tables are published in the Nautical Almanac annually, they are also updated annually and are correct for 1 year only.
AP3270 Vol 1 is a different publication and lasts several years. A precession and nutation correction is required increasing as the years pass until a new edition of AP3270 Vol 1 is purchased.
Look forward to replies