A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Practice CN on cruise ship
From: Norm Goldblatt
Date: 2017 Oct 20, 18:29 -0700
From: Norm Goldblatt
Date: 2017 Oct 20, 18:29 -0700
I, alas, must board my cruise ship the day of your class in SF. I bought a plastic sextant to practice at sea. Ill have my laptop, so what should I download in order to gather my data and see how close I come to my actual location? I know it will not be accurate, but I want the thrill of taking data and reducing it. I'd like not to pack an almanac if possible, relying on downloaded versions, if possible. I'm excited. I know the principles but not the practice?