A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Problem shooting index error
From: Alan S
Date: 2019 Oct 11, 19:00 -0700
From: Alan S
Date: 2019 Oct 11, 19:00 -0700
For whatever it might be worth, the 7x 35 mm scope is a nice optic. It is however considerably heavier than the standard scope, 4 x 40mm that comes with the Astra IIIB. I've had mine, the sextant, for probably 15 years or close to that. Of course, it has never been to sea, nor is it likely to, as I'm not a boater.
[NOTE FROM FER: I'm getting tired of editing these posts, Alan. The name of the sextant is "Astra IIIB" (Roman numeral 3), as above, not "Astra 111B"! See the difference??]