A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Pub. 249 origins and history
From: Ian Gifford
Date: 2021 May 10, 02:34 -0700
From: Ian Gifford
Date: 2021 May 10, 02:34 -0700
Hi Frank,
>who was Hutching?
Here is a fragment of an obit in the Orlando Sentinel:
Rear Adm. Curtis Hutchings, 93, Had Sharp Mind, Stellar ...
Hutchings developed the Star Tables for Navigation in 1946. The celestial navigation technique is still used today. "Curtis had a great mind," said Buddy Raines, a friend for 23 years. "I would...
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Ian Gifford 42° 38’ N, 71° 24’ W