A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Pub. 249 vol1
From: Randall Morrow
Date: 2014 Jan 1, 08:04 -0800
From: Randall Morrow
Date: 2014 Jan 1, 08:04 -0800
With a sight of Capella that has a GPS intercept of 0.6 mile, a pub 249 vol 1 reductio has a= 31 miles and the LOP misses the mark by 42 miles. Time 7-15-54, Hs51*23.0, DR Lon 119 5W Lat 35* 19.4. For Vol1 pub 249 entry I used LHA 29* & Lat 35 N.
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