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    Quad regression for Lunar Distances?
    From: Tony Oz
    Date: 2018 Nov 6, 08:41 -0800


    Recently I was experimenting with curve-fitting on my TI-83+.

    Processing the noise-free input data gave (quite obviously) good results.

    Now I wonder if it can help with LD-sights. As it is widely suggested - one has to take a sequence of HOs of Moon and a second body, then - several LD measurements, then again sequence of HOs.

    Consider I take a sequence like this: HsMoon, Hsbody, HsMoon, LD1, LD2, LD3, Hsbody, HsMoon, Hsbody, so that I get three of each. Then I do a QuadReg on each triple, then I select a time value somewhere between the LD1 and LD3 to calculate a "simultaneous" set of HsMoon, LD and Hsbody with which I proceed with regular LD calculations (by Dunthorne’s or Young’s formulas).

    Provided I was properly careful with LDs and timing - will it give me an enhancement in my UT result?

    Please comment.



    60°N 30°E

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