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    Re: Quality Used Sextant
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2024 Oct 8, 13:02 -0700

    Fred Hebard.  Snap!  Mine is 25410 26/2/41.  It still works fine despite my cack-handedness.  It claims a perfect arc.  I.e. 0" correction on 30,60,90, and 120° rarely seen on later Mates models.  Either the cutting machine gradually wore out, or the Hughes inspector got new spectacles.

    Donn Denman
    EBay wasn't bad for purchasing sextants 20 years ago when ancient mariners or their relations were clearing their houses. My Hughes cost me around £100GBP and came from a retired Merchant Navy Officer, but now they're getting into the hands of dealers and the price has tripled.  Why not leave your details with a reputable ship’s chandler, not one that advertises souvenir ware in yachting magazines, and ask them to let you know if they get anything interesting in.  Also try befriending ancient mariners or their families if they’re no longer with us.   Another source is from people who started a shore-based course several years ago but didn’t complete it for one reason or another.  I did negotiate the sale of a hardly used Mates Sextant to a NavList Member from a retired shipwright I knew, but it fell through when it came to the money transfer from the USA to UK.  Many elderly people have not heard of, let alone have trust in, services such as Pay Pal.  DaveP


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