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    Quality Used Sextant
    From: Donn Denman
    Date: 2024 Oct 6, 06:17 -0700
    I am looking for a quality used sextant to bring with me on my upcoming Pacific Circle. Do you happen to know of one, or can recommend a good model?
    I am planning a Pacific circle starting with a trip to Mexico with the Baja ha ha rally (Baja haha.com) leaving Sausalito in two weeks.
    I have a very little knowledge of these things, but John Kretschmer walked us through a noon sight on his boat several years ago, and he supports backups for all essential systems when going offshore as I plan to do. It’s not inconceivable that we would lose GPS at some point in the next 2 to 10 years that I’m contemplating for my voyage. By the way, my boat is an old Morris Justine 36, which does not have a lot of room. They don’t make small sextants do they?
    -Donn Denman
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