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    Re: Quality Used Sextant
    From: Fred Hebard
    Date: 2024 Oct 8, 12:09 -0400
    A Husun Mate is a relatively inexpensive bronze sextant that is compact.  They might be a bit more expensive than an Astra IIIB, but they’re prettier.  I attach two photos.  They don’t have a 7x35 telescope  The verier models have less error and a fuller assortment of telescopes.  Some micrometer models have a fuller assortment of telescopes; these also have less error.  The mirrors are smaller than on the standard modern design.


    Fred Hebard

    On Oct 8, 2024, at 07:30, NavList Community <NavList@fer3.com> wrote:

    Re: Quality Used Sextant
    From: Donn Denman
    Date: 2024 Oct 8, 04:11 -0700

    I'm thinking of this as emergency gear, but it could also play roll as a museum piece that's part of my classic old boat.

    A plastic one could just live in the ditch bag, and I would use it in the case of being struck by lightning or losing GPS due to regional conflict. I plan to spend a lot of time in the coral triangle, and the Philippines could be the site of enough conflict where GPS is somehow suppressed.

    If I could get a bronze one, it could happily live on the wall next to my bronze oil lamp, and wouldn't take up any real space, and would be easy to grab along with the ditch bag in an emergency. I have bronze portlights, and various trim on the boat, so something that looks old and useful has appeal.

    I don't think I would want to spend more than $100 on the plastic one, but a few hundred for the bronze piece seems worth it.




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