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    Re: Quiet Month for NavList
    From: Tom Sult
    Date: 2018 Feb 25, 22:30 -0600
    Back to a plus 1. But sometimes those sights are from my F-27 on a lake in Northern MN. As long as the answer isn’t Wisconsin, I’ll count it. 😇

    Tom Sult, MD
    Author: JUST BE WELL (goo.gl/jUbWIX)

    On Feb 25, 2018, at 16:30, Frank Reed <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:

    Tom Sult, you wrote:
    "I’m a -1. Always need to go back to the book before a trip."

    I think you're probably back to +1 by my slightly different standard. You've taken sights for a navigational purpose within the past year, right? From my perspective, "notes are normal" and a quick review should be standard procedure for anyone using celestial navigation.

    Frank Reed

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