A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Radians and Degrees
From: Alan S
Date: 2020 Nov 4, 11:27 -0800
From: Alan S
Date: 2020 Nov 4, 11:27 -0800
Sean C:
A bit of digging turned up a web site for Concise, the Japanese ciompany. All sorts of stuff there, including a membership arrangement for ordering items. They also seem ameniable to orders from "non-members". In any event, regarding their item no. 300, previously mentioned, I inquired as tio shipping charges, as I assume their catalog price did not include shipping. My inquiry got through, so I expect a response from them. I will share any response with you if interested. At your convenience, let me know.