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    Re: Radio Time signals
    From: Bill Lionheart
    Date: 2019 Jan 10, 11:51 +0000

    The "Official" answer is
    Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 2
    There is also the World  Radio and TV Handbook, published each year,
    it is in the reference section. http://www.wrth.com/whatiswrth.html
    Obviously these might be a bit expensive to buy and you might not have
    a good library nearby. ALRS is compulsory to carry on (UK registered?)
    ships so you could ask a captain to let you see it
    Radio "DX" enthusiasts (it is a hobby, like ham radio but just
    listening)  and radio clubs might have WRTV handbook There is a DXers
    website http://www.dxinfocentre.com/time.htm  but inevitably that is
    out of date.  I expect there are specialist web sites where "DXers"
    report when they heard a given time signal so you can see how well
    they propagate at certain times of day.
    On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 at 20:47, Robert Wyatt  wrote:
    > There's a wiki:
    > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_clock#List_of_radio_time_signal_stations

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