A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Radio time signals disappear
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2018 Aug 14, 14:50 -0700
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2018 Aug 14, 14:50 -0700
On 2018-08-13 22:15, Sean C wrote: > According to Casio's website, the module (or the guts) of my favorite "atomic" watch indeed uses WWVB - as do most clocks and watches. That's a relief, thank you! I wouldn't feel too relieved. The 2019 budget request simply says "the shutdown of NIST radio stations in Colorado and Hawaii." WWVB is in Colorado, at the WWV site. https://www.nist.gov/pml/time-and-frequency-division/radio-stations/wwvb Maybe WWV and WWVH will shut down, but WWVB will remain on the air. NIST has a page on the approaching 100th anniversary of WWV (October 2019), including a countdown timer: https://www.nist.gov/news-events/events/2019/10/nist-radio-station-wwv-100-year-anniversary Personally, termination of WWV and WWVH would be a loss. I use those stations to check my watches and record their errors. One watch has a continuous record going back to 2000! For this purpose an aural time signal is more convenient and accurate than visual. Phone audio from WWV (303-499-7111) or USNO (719-567-6742) is more reliable than the shortwave signal, which can be exasperating when weak and fading. But the audio seems to be delayed 1/4 second on my cell phone. Since I estimate watch error to the nearest 1/4 second, that's significant. I'd use the phone if the delay were guaranteed constant, but of course it's not. The time display on my phone itself is about 1/2 second slow. On the other hand, the little clock at the side of the USNO pages has been exactly "on the tick" every time I checked. All those accuracy evaluations are possible thanks to a cheap shortwave receiver and WWV/WWVH. If they go off the air I lose my gold standard. My "good receiver" (Winradio Excalibur) is not as good for this purpose. The physical part of the radio (about the size and shape of a paperback novel) digitizes the RF input and feeds it via USB to the computer, where the radio software processes the data into audio. Data takes about 1/4 second to traverse the pipeline, so the tick is always late. However, the extremely sharp passband filtering enables some entertaining tricks with WWV. For instance, the radiated signal carries 1 Hz data on a 100 Hz subcarrier. If reception is good you can hear this on any radio as the pulsing hum that shadows the seconds ticks. With an Excalibur, select 50 Hz bandwidth and tune 100 Hz above or below the carrier in CW mode to receive the subcarrier as if it were a Morse signal. The pulses can be copied by hand and decoded with the chart in Wikipedia (which is better than the official chart at the NIST site). The carrier is 100 Hz away but you hear only a faint heterodyne thanks to the narrow bandwidth. Voice announcements are a barely audible scratching sound. It is sadly ironic that affordable receivers with such performance have arrived, but shortwave spectrum is barren compared to what I heard as a teen with a Radio Shack DX-150. Someone mentioned RWM and BPM. I heard them as kid with my DX-150, but they don't come in where I live now. The present state of the ionosphere and my indoor antenna don't help. I have a dim memory that one of those stations used to transmit UT1, not UTC. The ticks were obviously out of sync with WWV.