A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2018 Aug 14, 09:02 -0700
As a frequent RWM-time signal listener I can tell that it is quite convenient: one may easily detect every 15th (or 45th) and 25th (or 55th) minute of an hour (by a 5-second pause in the transmission). Yes, you can not tell the hour mark - the signal is in 30-minutes repetition sequence, but that - I hope - can be handled by a Lunar sight.
Also I can hear two chineese stations on near (to the RWM) frequences (the BPM call sign) and some italian-speaking station. One of those stations sends some sort of a time-code with (supposedly) the full time/data information within the last 5 seconds of a minute, which needs some sort of a decoder hardware/software.
I never heard any of the american time-stations yet. VLF band (DCF etc) is beyond my reach for the huge noise level in my environment.