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    Re: Relative bearings
    From: Lu Abel
    Date: 2015 Apr 15, 01:02 +0000
    I think that pretty well summarizes it.   Technically, a RB expressed as an angle is always 0-360 clockwise from the bow.  But you can make it "to the port/starboard" by making it clear that you are expressing things that way.

    A very favorite "trick" question on navigation exams is "You observe a vessel off your port bow.  Its relative bearing is decreasing.   This means the vessel will pass (a) ahead of you, (b) aft of you."  Many will answer "pass ahead" because they think the angle on the bow is decreasing.

    From: Greg Rudzinski <NoReply_Rudzinski@fer3.com>
    To: luabel@ymail.com
    Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:46 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Relative bearings

     Attached from the glossary of Bowditch is the definition of relative bearing.

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    (Def.-Relative-Bearing.jpg: Open and save)

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