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    Re: Researchers spoof GPS signals to alter superyacht'scourse
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Apr 28, 12:19 -0700

    > ... But what a poor navigator, not to use "all available information" (eg compass headings).

    Sadly, nothing new. Remember the cruise ship _Royal Majesty_, which went aground east of Nantucket in 1995 because the GPS antenna was disconnected and the nav computer reverted to DR. During the entire trip from Bermuda, not one watch officer noticed that the position display was showing an error code, nor did anyone use any of the other available means (LORAN-C, Transit/SatNav, and celestial) to verify what was on the screen. Oh, and the fathometer, which could have warned of unexpected shoaling, was turned off.

    See http://www.ntsb.gov/doclib/reports/1997/mar9701.pdf
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