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    Results with mirror AH
    From: Alan S
    Date: 2014 Apr 25, 02:32 -0700

    Sean C:

    Results obtained yesterday 24 April, AM and PM sun shots from my location, with mirror horizon using theatrical lighting gel material as sun shields in addition to those on Astra sextant were disappointing. Will post numbers later. Suffice it to say that fixes obtained were way outside of visual distance of DR position. I might well have done something wrong, possibly screwed up leveling the mirror AH assembly, though I don't think so. The sextant shots "felt" good. I used an Empire Torpedo Level purchased at a nearby Loews. Possibly this is the problem. Something is wrong for when I do the same sort of shots using a Davis AH, my calculated fix is consistently within 2 NM of DR (GPS coordinates), when sight reductions are plotted on a USPS CLS plotting sheet. "Back to the drawing board" as used to be said.
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