A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Örjan Sandström
Date: 2014 Apr 27, 01:19 -0700
Now we get to that "but" again, ACCURATE to within x/x is NOT same as x bubble travel over y distance for every z units inclination, can well be that at full bubble travel it is thus inclined (unlikely) or that bubble travel can be seen when inclined that much (more likely), in that case it might be significantly less sensitive than if with given bubble travel, this was why the travel x.xxxmm inclination over 1m to get 2mm travel was introduced.
oh, by the way.
1mm is roughly 5/128's (more accurately 0.03937008")
0.5mm is roughly 3/128's (more accurately 0.01968504")
1m is 3,2808399' or 39,370078".
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