A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Rafael C. Caruso
Date: 2024 Aug 24, 11:40 -0700
Frank Reed wrote; "Each streak, each star trail, is a portion of a circumpolar arc. Draw rays perpendicular to those streaks and find where they cross. You should find Polaris there, right?" Right, if we are in the Northern hemisphere.
If we follow these instructions, we end up in a rather blank area of the sky, which is what we would expect if we are in the Southern hemisphere, where the pole star is very faint. If this is correct, under the rocket's trail we may be seeing the Southern Cross (Acrux, etc.) and above and slightly to the left of it, the bright alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) and beta Centari. Again assuming that this is correct, we may be near a rocket launching site in the Southern hemisphere, facing roughly south. I wouldn't be able to tell which one without Googling "rocket launching sites in the Southern hemisphere", which I guess counts as cheating.
Best, RCC