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    Re: Rude Starfinder History
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2014 Jul 17, 14:09 -0700
    To be complete, it is not mentioned in the fifth (1934) edition. It is also shown in the 1938 edition of Bowditch.


    From: Stan K <NoReply_StanK@fer3.com>
    To: garylapook@pacbell.net
    Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:41 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Rude Starfinder History

    For the record, The 2102-D is also referred to in paragraph 2002 of the 13th (1978) edition.  I wonder which chapter they dropped from the 12th.

    BTW, are you aware that Mack Maloney passed away earlier this year?  He certainly was not involved with Dutton's in 1942, but did Dutton's from I don't know when and Chapman's since 1965.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Gary LaPook <NoReply_LaPook@fer3.com>
    To: slk1000 <slk1000---.com>
    Sent: Thu, Jul 17, 2014 3:37 pm
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Rude Starfinder History

    Well, not so fast. It is referred to in paragraph 2102 of the twelvth edition of Dutton's but is also shown in paragraph 1811 of the seventh, much earlier (1942), edition.  This refers to H.O. 2102-C and the much larger 2102-A. It has since been  moved and is in paragraph 2002 of the fourteenth edition.


    From: Greg Rudzinski <NoReply_Rudzinski@fer3.com>
    To: garylapook---.net
    Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 3:51 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Rude Starfinder History

    The only strange number association that I could find regarding the 2102 star finder is that it is first refered to in Duttons in the second paragraph of chapter 21. See attached page. Quite a coincidence.
    Greg Rudzinski
    Re: Rude Starfinder History
    From: Fred Hebard
    Date: 2014 Jul 17, 08:32 -0400
    I was aware it was a publication number.  But I've read posts on this list 
    intimate that the choice of digits had some meaning.
    Fred Hebard

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