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    S M Burton Master Mariner
    From: David C
    Date: 2023 Nov 18, 19:28 -0800

    In 1935 S M Burton published  A Manual of Modern Navigation. In 1947 he published Burton's Nauitical Tables.  He also published Burton's Four-figure Navigation Table but I am not sure of the year. He was his own pubisher. Is 1955 he published  The Art of Astronomical Navigation. IMHO the latter is important because it was published near the end of the CN era and before the introduction of the HP35.

    In his preface to  The Art of Astronomical Navigation Burton wrote (abridged by me):

    "This book first appeared in 1935 its purpose then being to hasten what seemed  the overslow conversion of Merchant Navy navigators from older methods to position line methods. That conversion may now be thought of as complete."

    I recentlty purchased a copy of the book. When it arrived I was diasappointed at the slim 146 page volume with the list of contents occupying just one page. However after glancing through it I concluded that it is a significant volume. Either Burton was setting out the state of CN in 1955 or he was defining what he thought it should be. It was written in an era when navigators still worked their sights by non-electronic means and of course therww was no GPS.

    It is the sort of book that I like to have on a table near me so that I can casually pick it up and glance through it.dDavid C




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